Spring is almost upon us and I am getting excited at the prospect of longer nights and better weather so I can make use of my trusty Specialized Rockhopper. The harsh winter has meant that I have not managed to get out around my favourite cycle routes in Manchester for a number of weeks.
I am now thinking about my first real cycle ride of the year the question is that where should I go. There are many great cycle routes in Manchester and with such a selection it is sometimes hard to decide on which route to take. I often find myself leaving the house without any cycle route in mind often resulting in a magical mystery cycle tour of Manchester.
The joy of having no cycle route in mind is that you never know where you will end up and by doing this I have ended up getting to know the city of manchester and its cycle routes very very well.
You may ask me what my favourite cycle route in Manchester is, well here are a few of my favourite places.
Salford Quays and Trafford Park Cycle Routes
Salford Quays and Trafford Park offer miles of traffic free or quiet cycle lanes giving you a chance to explore the industrial heart of Manchester.