Cheap Mountain Bikes

Everybody wants a cheap mountain bike but nobody wants a cheap mountain bike that is low quality and not up for the job.  You may ask where do I get a cheap mountain bike?, well Enjoy Cycling has the answer. The best way to obtain a cheap mountain bike is to shop around! Each autumn […]
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Bikeability: Empowering Cyclists of All Ages and Abilities

Bikeability is the Cycling Proficiency Test for the 21st century.  Bikeability is designed to give the next generation the cycling skills and confidence to ride their bikes on today’s busy roads. There are three Bikeability levels and children will be encouraged and inspired to achieve all three levels, recognising that there is always more to […]
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Fill That Hole

Potholes and road defects are more than just a nuisance, they’re a danger to cyclists. They’re responsible for 12% of compensation claims by CTC members, and local Councils have a duty to fix them.
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